Gain insight into human thought and behavior.

B.S., Minor

The Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Psychology will stimulate intellectual and critical thinking as it provides opportunities for service, integration with other fields of study and the Christian faith, and a deep understanding of the development of relationships in a pluralistic society. This degree is available online or on ground. A minor in Psychology requires 18 semester hours of coursework.


Curriculum: B.S., Minor (18 hours) | B.S. (Online)
Faculty: Dr. Emily C. Derrick, Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., Blue Mountain College
M.S., Mississippi College
Ph.D., University of Mississippi
  Dr. Jeffrey A. Sweatt, Associate Professor of Psychology
A.A., Faulkner State Junior College
B.A., University of South Alabama
M.Div., Ph.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary